Wednesday, 16 March 2011

New Wi-Fi Diagnostics Tool In Mac OSX Lion

A new tool currently available to developers has been discovered in Mac OSX Lion.

Option-clicking the wifi menu bar icon brings up the usual extra features, as well as a new one; Wi-Fi Diagnostics.
This launches the new Wi-Fi Diagnostics menu, where users can record and monitor all the goings on of traffic, performance and data speeds running through your networks!
Looks like a very useful little tool, and just another easter egg found inside Lion!


  1. You´ll need airport for this?

  2. Pretty useful tool, its nice to know about it

  3. reminds me of the wardriving days of open APs... good times

  4. Wait, can it analyze all network traffic or just the traffic to and from the Mac? I'd really like a way to know what else is going on in my network. I'm just paranoid like that.

  5. nice to know. Thanks for the info.

  6. no i was wrong not available in leo, nice find :)

  7. Glad to see something with a lot more detail than basic Airport provided.

  8. I already knew this but i love the fact, that youre dedicating a blog for mac users! :)

  9. Thats sweet. So far I have had no need for that though.

  10. anyone saw how in 5 seconds some guy from a french security company hacked a the Mac OSX, so much for being so secured
